
RightTax, Is an accounting software CDR. It lets you retrieve the tickets generated by your phone ACD (Avaya, Nortel, Siemens ...) and process them in real time.
RightTax, Has a treatment capacity of more than 250,000 CDR per day.
RightTax, Allows you to control the phone consummation within your company. Through its reports, you can check the consumption, by user, department, by operator...
RightTax, It allows you to keep track of abuse of phone sales calls, collection calls and calls to customer service.

Connectivity: RightTax can receive tickets from all PBX (Avaya, Nortel, Siemens ...). The CDRs can be received on the COM port or on a configurable TCP port. The RightTax parameterizing allows it to adapt to all forms of tickets.

Operators and prices: RightTax lets you manage one or more operators. Thus, each operator has its own pricing even if it is the same destination. For each operator and destination, Prices can be set to the second, minute or 30 seconds periods. With or without the establishing cost, with or without initial period.

Reports: Righttax can extract several reports types , so you can check real-time consumption of a subscriber, service as well as an operator.

Subscribers: You can declare all subscribers present at your PBX, as they may be grouped in departments or services.
Subscribers can be identified by their login, station, or even by their authentication codes.
Les abonnés peuvent être identifiés par leurs login, station ou même leurs codes d'authentification.